As Wattpad's resident writer, I've assisted with a number of creative projects. Here's an example of a video I helped to pitch, storyboard and write for the Google Play store.
You can view the whole thing by clicking here.
At Drunk Feminist Films, we would rather laugh than cry our way through Hollywood representations of gender, race, sexuality, class and other aspects of identity. Co-founded by myself, Gillian Goerz, Shaunna Bruton and Stephanie Guthrie, DFF produces regularly sold-out events in Toronto at the Royal Cinema, as well as webisodes (which I produce and direct) and other online content with outlets including CBC and VICE.
A social project I created to match female friends in Toronto.
Creative concept, naming, creative development.
A 100 Acre Wood project. Creative direction and implementation.
A 100 Acre Wood project. Creative, copy, and product ideation. This app was used to target prospective leasees for some of the most expensive real estate in Toronto at the top of the TD Canada Trust Tower.